Installation steps for Enterprise Portal and Roll center in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.
- Install the prerequisite for the EP installation
- Run the setup and select EP and Roll center at first stage
- Click Next, if any prerequisite yet to be install it will sugget u and select the path of the sharepoint exe to install and configure it at the same time of installation.
- In the next stage it will show u the default web site for selection and to check box for configure and create a new website. Select Default Web site from drop down list and chek both the checkbox.
- Install the EP and Roll center.
- Go to the inetmgr (From Run) and check for new website has been created or not.
- if u have workflow on the same server then u have to first create new website with the same configuration of default web site and after installation u have to change the port number of new created web site to another.(You can change the port number from "Binding" option at the right side in inetmgr).
- Now Reset IIS.
- To check the successful installation of Ep and RC --> go to Sharepoint Central administrator from inetmgr then browse the it and select the tab Application Management. Then select site collection list and then copy the URL and check from browser.
- Run The Sharepoint Product and Technologies from Administrative tools (Control panel). No need to change any setting ..just nexrt....
- Run Configuration wizard form ERP Administration and check for websites.
- Add users to EP if needed.