Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dynamics AX technical consultant interview questions

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  • How can we create primary key for a table?
  • what precautions you need for overriding fetch() method for a report?
  • Difference between OCC and PCC?
  • How many types of MAP there in Dynamics AX? 
  • What is cache lookup what is it used for?
  • Difference between table and views?
  • why we use dialog? and how to accomplished it?
  • what are the different type of index?
  • Difference b/w cascade + restricted and restricted delete actions?
  • In which case delete_from and delete() have same result?
  • Explain sales/purchase order processes in AX.
Dynamics Ax 2009 Interview Questions – Part I
  • Can you just tell the table properties that you can remember?
  • What is cache lookup what is it used for?
  • Different types of relation? Explain it detail?
  • Explain OCC & PCC (optimistic concurrency control , Pessimistic concurrency control)
  • Difference between views and tables
  • Explain Queries? What’s it used for?
  • Explain different types of reports?
  • Differentiate auto design spec & Generated design? Which one is a preferable choice and why
  • Primary Key in tables (In dynamics AX don’t have primary key)
  • Explain primary index and Cluster index? Explain in detail?
  • What is the default index for a table?
  • Explain delete action? Types of delete action?
  • What are all the add- on tools you used in Dynamics AX (It’s an indirect question for AIF)
  • Did you work with EP (Enterprise Portal & Workflow) how can you implement this features into your projects
  • Can you just point out some best practice you used when u develop a project?
  • Did you worked with base modules?  Actually I answered this question as  
  • I worked with production module to integrate with our steel process management
  • So can you just point out three classes that you used in production module
  • Explain the posting in production module
  • When you create production order….Can you point out the affecting classes, tables.

Dynamics AX2009 Workflow – Checklist

I was going through the the workflow implementation with a client and could notice that there is a need of a check list for consultants users to configure the workflow and make it work . I have thought of the following points for the check list.
1. User options
a. Maintain the email address of the users .

b. Setup The parameters for receiving the notifications on the Notifications tab especially the two marked parameters for getting the notifications in client and or email.
2. Administration>Setup>Email parameters must be setup so that emails can be sent through AX.

3. Basic>Setup>Setting for workflow>settings for workflow to be used by the system to send workflow emails.

4. Configuration of the email template as identified in step 3 above. Basic>Setup>Email templates. FOr setting templates refer to the AX help file. Its a good source of information.

5.  Ensure that the batches to process the alerts and the email messages are active.
      a. Email batches – Administration>Periodic>Email processing> Batch.

     b. Alert batches – Basic>Periodic>Alerts
6. Workflow configuration is configured properly . There should one default configuration . Additional configurations may be maintained with specific conditions for becoming active.

e.g. workflow on purchase requisition may have following setup
One active version per configuration must be maintained.

7. Workflow rules should be defined properly. If the tasks are being assigned on hierarchy basis then there must be a stop condition maintained ( This is the general error that users do not maintained a stop condition.)

8. Setup events when to generate a notification in an approval process.

I think if above check list is cross checked during setup or troubleshooting most of the errors / problems would be solved related to workflow . For rest of the problems leave them for consultants/developers to investigate on case to case basis. 

Create a template of Microsoft Office Excel to data import

  1. Click > > > > .
    Read the first page, and then click .
  2. Type a name for the Microsoft Office Excel workbook and include the full path, or browse to locate an existing Microsoft Office Excel workbook, and then click .
    If you select an existing file, the content is overwritten.
    1. On the page, select the tables to include in the workbook:

      1. Include an available object by selecting the table in the pane, and clicking the (>) directional arrow. Press CTRL to select multiple tables.
      If there are tables that you want to use in the template but they do not appear in the pane, then select .
    • Remove selected objects by highlighting the table in the pane, and clicking the (<) directional arrow. Press CTRL to select multiple tables.
    • Remove all previously selected objects by clicking the (<<) directional arrow.
    1. Click to generate the field list on the page, and then click again to select the fields that you want to use.
    2. On the page, select the fields from the tables that you want to be shown in the template.
      The shaded check boxes indicate that a field is either mandatory or part of a unique index and therefore necessary to maintain data consistency. Fields marked with a yellow padlock are system fields and are not selected by default.
    3. On the page, select to create an import definition group based on the template.
      A definition group contains definitions for each worksheet in a workbook and is used when importing the workbook to Microsoft Dynamics AX.
      The definition group is called "EXL00000xx" where "xx" is a consecutive number.
    1. On the page, select which of the following actions you want to take:
    2. – Export data from the current company to the Excel workbook.

    • – Include supporting tables. Supporting tables are typically populated with data.
    • – Create an Excel project file. The project file references the exported Excel workbook.
    1. Click to complete the wizard.

    Data Import Export usinf Excel template

    Dynamics AX 2009 – Import Customer master,Vendor master and their Primary addresses

    The following illustration is for vendors. Similarly we can do for customers . Wherever needed I have mentioned what change would be required.To import vendors & customers in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, follow these steps:
    1. In the Navigation Pane, click Administration>Periodic> Data export/import>Excel spreadsheets> Template Wizard.
    2. In the Excel Template Wizard, follow the instructions to create a template for “VendTable”.  For customers the CustTable should be selected in the table selection step in the wizard.
    When creating the template select the option to create a definition group in AX for this template.

    Also select the ‘Create supporting table worksheet’. This will create the lookup values for selection in the template worksheet .

    3. Ensure that the number sequence is setup for the address book Id in parameter for Global address book. Navigate to Basic>Setup>Global Address Book>Parameters.
    Click the Number sequences tab, and then verify that a number sequence is selected for the address book ID.
    Note The number sequence that is selected cannot be set up as continuous.
    4. Prepare the data in the file that you created in step 2 with the data that you want to import. Ensure that the all mandatory fields are populated in correct format and there are valid values in the lookup fields.
    5. Leave the Address book ID field empty. The Address book ID field is populated when you import the Excel spreadsheet by using the number sequence that you set up in step 3. Pls ensure that the Address book type is set to “organisation” in the data template as shown below.

    6. Navigate to Administration>Periodic>Data export/import>Definition groups.
    7. Select the definition group that you created by using the Excel Template Wizard, and then click Table setup.
    8. In the Table setup dialog box, click the Import Criteria tab, and then add the following code in the Import Criteria tab after the default line in the window.
    What we are doing here is that we are bypassing the code of importing the data through the standard AX’s data import code but would call the “Insert” method to read the file and do the import.
    In the default line ‘vendTable’ object was declared for the table ‘VendTable’. Therefore, ensure that the correct object name is used in the code as well.
    To import vendors, add the following code in the table setup’s Import criteria code.
    vendTable.insert();// Insert method called to import the data
    return false; // Bypass the standard AX data import code. Otherwise, the system will attempt to import the data twice and found that the record already exists.

    For customers :
    custTable.insert(); // Insert method called to import the data
    return false; // Bypass the standard AX data import code. Otherwise, the system will attempt to import the data twice and found that the record already exists.

    9. Click the Compile button.

    This step determines whether the code is typed correctly.
    10. Click the Preview tab, verify that the fields match the correct values that are entered in the Excel spreadsheet. Close the Table setup dialog box.

    11. In the Data export/import dialog box, select the definition group that you created, and then click Import.

    12. In the Excel import dialog box, If the Excel spreadsheet is not at the same path which is in ‘Default file name” column in the definition group then browse and select the Excel spreadsheet, and then click OK.

    If its the same file at the path mentioned in the “default file location” then no need to select it again. System will pick it . Go ahead and press OK without selecting any file.
    13. When the system finishes the importing the records you will get the following infolog :

    But don’t worry .. this infolog is for the Standard AX data import code . Since we have bypassed the code , we get this infolog. ( I do not want consultants here to bother the Techies for changing this /suppressing the infolog etc. They would feel too pricey. If we understand the concept then that is sufficient.
    14. Verify that your Vendor is imported into the VendTable (vendor master) and the visible in Vendor form and that a corresponding record is created in the DirPartyTable table.

    Good job so far .. smile
    Check the address tab if it is created for the vendor.

    The Vendor Address Type is blank and the Name has “Primary Address”. Therefore, a little fix is needed after the data is imported in the vendor / customer. We would need to run the following jobs. Copy them in AOT as jobs
    15. Job 1 – Update the Vendor Address Type
    static void J1A_UpdateVendAddressType(Args _args)
    VendTable vendTab; // Replace VendTable with CustTable when run this for customers.
    DirPartyTable dirPartyTab;
    Address addTab;
    while select vendTab
    join dirPartyTab
    join forupdate addTab
    where vendTab.PartyId == dirPartyTab.PartyId &&
    addTab.AddrTableId == dirPartyTab.TableId &&
    addTab.AddrRecId == dirPartyTab.RecId //&& //Uncomment ‘&&’ if you wish to run for a single vendor else this would run for all vendors
    // vendTab.AccountNum == ‘Shekhar’ //Uncomment this line to run for vendor ‘Shekhar’ only else this runs for all vendors
    if(addTab.Name == ‘Primary address’) //Hardcoded , pls make sure the field is exactly same typed
    addTab.type = AddressType::Payment; // If the job is being used for CustTable comment this line.
    // addTab.type = AddressType::Invoice; // If the job is being used for CustTable uncomment this line.
    Verify the fix in the vendor master’ address tab. : Good job ..smile

    16. Job 2 – To update the Address Type for vendors.
    static void J2A_UpdateVendAddressName(Args _args)
    VendTable vendTab; // Replace VendTable with CustTable when run this for customers.
    DirPartyTable dirPartyTab;
    Address addTab;
    while select vendTab
    join dirPartyTab
    join forupdate addTab
    where vendTab.PartyId == dirPartyTab.PartyId &&
    addTab.AddrTableId == dirPartyTab.TableId &&
    addTab.AddrRecId == dirPartyTab.RecId //&& //Uncomment ‘&&’ if you wish to run for a single vendor else this would run for all vendors
    // vendTab.AccountNum == ‘Shekhar’ //Uncomment this line to run for vendor ‘Shekhar’ only else this runs for all vendors
    if(addTab.Name == ‘Primary address’ && addTab.type == AddressType::Payment) //Hardcoded , pls make sure the field is exactly same typed
    addTab.Name = dirPartyTab.Name;
    Verify the fix in the vendor master ; Done … Good Job again.

    Now you have the vendor and customer master with the a primary address  .. Proceed to the next hurdle in data migration.
    Additional Addresses : I would update in my Next post how to update the Multiple addresses without much of the coding .
    17. Note :  I could find a very useful piece of information published by Microsoft on the subject and available at the following link. All consultants should have a look at this.
    I hope that the above helps all AX consultants.

    Friday, February 24, 2012

    EP and Roll Center Installation AX 2009

    Installation steps for Enterprise Portal and Roll center in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.

    1. Install the prerequisite for the EP installation
    2. Run the setup and select EP and Roll center at first stage
    3. Click Next, if any prerequisite yet to be install it will sugget u and select the path of the sharepoint exe to install and configure it at the same time of installation.
    4. In the next stage it will show u the default web site for selection and to check box for configure and create a new website. Select Default Web site from drop down list and chek both the checkbox.
    5. Install the EP and Roll center.
    This will show you the successfully complition of the setup. For further configuration follow the steps as given below.
    1. Go to the inetmgr (From Run) and check for new website has been created or not.
    2. if u have workflow on the same server then u have to first create new website with the same configuration of default web site and after installation u have to change the port number of new created web site to another.(You can change the port number from "Binding" option at the right side in inetmgr).
    3. Now Reset IIS.
    4. To check the successful installation of Ep and RC --> go to Sharepoint Central administrator from inetmgr then browse the it and select the tab Application Management. Then select site collection list and then copy the URL and check from browser.
    5. Run The Sharepoint Product and Technologies from Administrative tools (Control panel). No need to change any setting ..just nexrt....
    6. Run Configuration wizard form ERP Administration and check for websites.
    7. Add users to EP if needed.

    Analysis Extension Installation in Ax 2009 Troubleshooting

    While Installing the Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009 Analysis Extension the following error has been raised which is resolved with the following solution.

    After applying the KB article SSAS Extensions still will not install.  Further research seems to indicate that the problem might be with some 9.0 SSAS assemblies in the GAC.
    Setup does not recognize that SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services is
    installed If you have SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services installed and you are
    installing the analysis extensions, you might receive an error that says you
    must install SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services with Service Pack 2. This
    error message indicates that there is an Analysis Services 2005 version of
    the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll file in the Global Assembly Cache.
    Microsoft Dynamics AX does not support running Analysis Services 2005 and
    Analysis Services 2008 on the same computer. To resolve this issue, uninstall
    the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll file that has a version number of 9.0 from
    the Global Assembly Cache (typically located at C:\Windows\assembly).
    Important: Be sure that you do not uninstall the
    Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll file that has a version number of 10.0
    I checked and sure enough there were.  So I looked and found SQL Server 2005 Express installed on the machine, not sure why.
    Anyway, I uninstalled SQL Server 2005 Express and also the SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services ADOMD assemblies.
    I checked the GAC after uninstalling the 2005 components and I had a clean GAC, only 10.0 references.
    On to install again…and the Analysis Extensions can now be installed!

    Oh how beautiful it is: