Friday, December 16, 2011

Remove red hand In vendors transactions

Following are the steps for removing "RED HAND FROM VENDOR TRANSACTION"

1. In vendor detail form select that particular vendor and note information like voucher,date,amount
2. Open VendTransOpen table
3. Select that vendor and note RecId
4. Open SpecTrans table
5. Select RefRecid of that RecId
6. Delete that record from table

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dynamics AX 2009 - Calling X++ logic from SSRS and C#

Recently I wrote the following blog entry:
Calling a Custom Dynamics AX 2009 SSRS report and passing parameters - From X++

This was to address a set of questions from a reader, where he stated it was not clear about how to call a report from X++ and send in parameter data. The above post, shows you exactly how to do that.

This is the blog entry, in which those comments where left.:
Dynamics AX 2009 - Reporting Possibilites

The next thing in the readers comments, was making use of display methods, or methods in general from X++. This also can be done, an there is great examples of this through some of the out of the box Report's, and also the new Environmental Dashboard that came out during the spring.

I am going to pull from the environmental dashboard, and show an example of this being used.

So if we open our reports project, we will see something similar as follows, and notice the report, has a section for data methods.

Looking at these data methods that are part of the EnergyCost report, we see we have this one, with some parameters / variables that need to be sent in.

On double clicking of the method, takes us to the Business Logic section, and we see our C# code here, along with the .Net Business Connector Assembly, and AxaptaWrapper Object being used.

As you can see we have access to make calls to static methods, and normal non-static business logic. So this could easily be changed and made use of as a template for working with X++ methods, that we need access to for our report purposes.

Now moving back to the report design, I have highlighted the field in the report design, which happens to be a Matrix Cell, that makes use of this datamethod. The expression where this data method is called, is the following.:

=Cdbl(GetEnergyCost(Fields!SourceProcessId.Value, Fields!DestinationProcessId.Value, Fields!SubstanceId.Value, Parameters!EnergyCost_Filter.Value))

So we can see our datamethod being called, to fill this field, and see how the parameters are being sent in. Even one being referenced from the parameters that are sent in to this report.

This is a really good example, that can be expanded upon, and used as a template for such custom needs of datamethods, and access X++ business logic and display methods for a Dynamics AX 2009 SSRS Report.

I hope this helps, and look for more soon. See you next time!

Calling a Custom Dynamics AX 2009 SSRS report and passing parameters - From X++

The most recent post, was the following.: Dynamics AX 2009 - Reporting Possibilites

In that post there was a comment left by someone talking about some of the limits that still exist with the custom SSRS reports.

As I point out there are pro's and con's with the custom SSRS reports for Dynamics AX 2009, however one of the things the reader pointed out was passing parameters to the custom SSRS report.

So I thought it would be worth while to do a post on exactly how to do this.

In this example I have created a custom SSRS report for Dynamics AX 2009 instance.

In this you will see I have a Query, that was used for my report, and also a report library I created using Visual Studio 2008 Dynamics AX 2009 Reporting template.

The query, has a Range of SalesId, and in doing that, this was auto added to the report parameters, in the VS2008 projects. (see below image)

This is the name of the parameter in the report def., and therefore important to note for our exercise.

So the task was to take and pass values to reports from X++. I took and create a job that does exactly that. It takes and call my custom reports, output menu item, and pass it a value for the SalesId parameter. The code follows.:

MenuFunction CustRptMI;
Args Args;

CustRptMI = new MenuFunction(menuItemOutputStr(srsCustomRpt),MenuItemType::Output)
Args = new Args();

Notice the name of the parameter is exactly the name it is in the VS2008 project for the report def. 'qryCustomSSRS_SalesId'. Then simply and = and then . You can add multiple parameters here with commas, and there you have the report being called, ran, and from X++, parameters being passed and the report generated. (See image below)

So as you can see, you can make use of X++ to call custom SSRS reports, pass in paramaters, and do this pretty simply. You just have to know the exactly parameters names, and you can go from there.

insert_recordset with join query in Ax 2009

The ListOfFields in the destination table must match the list of fields in the source tables. Data is transferred in the order that it appears in the list of fields. Fields in the destination table that are not present in the list of fields are assigned zero-values as in other areas in X++. System fields, including RecId, are assigned transparently by the kernel in the destination table.

insert_recordset  DestinationTable  (  ListOfFields  )
select  ListOfFields1  from  SourceTable  [ where  WhereClause  ]
[ join  ListOfFields2  from  JoinedSourceTable 
[ where  JoinedWhereClause  ]]


The following X++ code example shows a join of three tables on an insert_recordset statement that has a sub-select. Also, a while select statement with a similar join is shown.

A variable is used to supply the inserted value for one column. The str variable must be declared with a length that is less than or equal to the maximum length of the corresponding database field.

X++ Sample code

static void InsertJoin42Job(Args _args)
    GmTabDepartment tabDept2;
    GmTabEmployee tabEmpl3;
    GmTabProject tabProj4;
    GmTabEmployeeProject tabEmplProj5;
    str 64 sDescriptionVariable = "From variable.";
    DELETE_FROM tabEmplProj5;

    INSERT_RECORDSET tabEmplProj5 (Description, EmployeeRecId, ProjectRecId)    Select  sDescriptionVariable, RecId   from    tabEmpl3
      join   tabDept2    where tabEmpl3 .DepartmentGuid == tabDept2 .DepartmentGuid
        join RecId   from tabProj4 where tabDept2 .DepartmentGuid == tabProj4 .DepartmentGuid
    info(int642str(tabEmplProj5 .rowCount())
        + " ==Number of rows inserted.");
            join tabEmpl3
                where tabEmplProj5 .EmployeeRecId == tabEmpl3 .RecId
            join tabProj4
                where tabEmplProj5 .ProjectRecId == tabProj4 .RecId
            tabEmpl3 .EmployeeName
            + "  --works on--  "
            + tabProj4 .ProjectName
            + " (" + tabEmplProj5 .Description + ")."
/*****************  Actual Infolog output
Message (01:05:41 pm)
4 ==Number of rows inserted.
Alice  --works on--  Project ZZZ (From variable.).
Alice  --works on--  Project YY (From variable.).
Beth  --works on--  Project ZZZ (From variable.).
Beth  --works on--  Project YY (From variable.).

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Creating SSRS Reports with Visual Studio 2008 for DAX 2009

To develope SSRS Reports in Visual Studio 2008 following requisite should be install on your machine.

1. Reporting Extensions ( From Ax Setup)
2. Visual Studio 2008
3. Reporting Tools ( From Ax Setup)

Creating SSRS Reports for Microsoft Dyanamics Ax 2009 with Visual Studio 2008.

1. Open VS 2008
2. New --> Project --> Visual C# -->Dynamics-->Dynamics Ax Reporting Project
3. Develop Reports
4. Right click and Save to AOD
5.Or deploy
6. fom ax application goto Reports Libraries-->Select report project and deploy.

To show report on the content pane in the reports column

1. create new output menu for displaying reports
2. In properties select ObjectType as  SQLReportLibraryReport
3. select developed report
4. Place the output menu on your reports pane to be display.

Friday, December 9, 2011

AX 2009 - Installing Reporting Extensions on Windows server 2008 steps

hi friends,

The below are the steps which i followed while installing reporting extensions on Windows server 2008.

1. Install SQL Server 2008 with Reporting Services.
2. Install Ax - 2009 Application files,AOS, Client,
3. Install All the prerequisite for Reporting Extensions
    To install these software components, see Install prerequisites on the report server.
4. Install Reporting Extensions and .Net business connector.
3. Configure Report server with the Microsoft SQL SERVER 2008 >> Configuration and Tools >> Reporting Services configuration Manager
4. Deploy Reports using the path Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009 >> Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009 Reports Deployment.